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Our Technology


Technology today is changing our everyday lives. Many people, however, aren’t aware that technology also is impacting dentistry in new and exciting ways. Cutting-edge innovations in dentistry are allowing dentists to provide treatments that require less time in the dental chair, and more satisfying results. One breakthrough instrument, called CEREC®, allows dentists to quickly restore damaged teeth with natural-coloured ceramic fillings, saving patients time and inconvenience.

What is CEREC?

CEREC is an acronym for Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics. Translated, it means that a dentist can economically restore damaged teeth in a single appointment using a high-quality ceramic material that matches the natural colour of other teeth.

How does the instrument work?

CEREC uses CAD/CAM (Computer Aided Design/Computer Aided Manufacturing) technology, incorporating a camera, computer and milling machine in one instrument. The dentist uses a special camera to take an accurate picture of the damaged tooth. This optical impression is transferred and displayed on a colour computer screen, where the dentist uses CAD technology to design the restoration. Then CAM takes over and automatically creates the restoration while the patient waits. Finally, the dentist bonds the new restoration to the surface of the old tooth. The whole process takes about two hours.

What does this innovation mean for a patient?

A tooth-coloured restoration means no more silver fillings discolouring smiles. The filling is natural-looking, compatible with tissue in the mouth, anti-abrasive and plaque-resistant. Dentists no longer need to create temporaries or take impressions and send them to a lab. Because of this, the traditional second visit has been eliminated. CEREC has two decades of clinical research and documentation to support the technology. The restorations have been proven precise, safe and effective.


We are very proud of our state of the art sterilization centre. Using strict infection control measures at all times, ALL of our instruments are wrapped and placed in an autoclave. These instruments will then go through several steam cycles of intense heat that will kill any and all bacteria, virus and any other organism. These instruments are then only unwrapped at the beginning of each appointment in front of each patient.

The Wand

The wand is an amazing new dental injection device. It is the closest thing to a painless injection that we have in Dentistry today. The wand is computer controlled device that strictly limits and controls the rate and pressure of the anesthetic as it is being injected. The result is a more comfortable injection.

Digital X-rays

We are pleased to offer our patients the use of Digital x-rays in our office. The advantages of digital x-rays are numerous. In addition to giving us the best quality images to aid in diagnosis, the amount of radiation that the patient is exposed to is significantly less (up to 60% less in some situations). Results are immediate and there are no need for harmful developing chemicals and fixing solutions.

Panoramic X-rays

We offer panoramic X-rays as an adjunct to routine X-rays for situations such as wisdom teeth, jaw bone disease, sinus disease and tempormandibular joint disease (TMJ) A panoramic X-ray is a simple procedure where by the patient places their chin on a support block while a camera travels 360 degrees around the head. The resulting images can be invaluable for diagnosing certain conditions.

Intra-Oral Photography

Like the old adage says, “a picture is worth a thousand words” In our office we use state of the art intra oral cameras made by Kodak that provide high resolution images taken from right inside the mouth and projected on to a 42" flat panel TV. This valuable aid enables us to clearly show views inside the mouth of cracked or failing fillings and or infections or any other dental condition.

Soft Tissue Laser

The use of lasers in Dentistry is one of the newest and most promising areas of development. Soft tissue lasers allow us to treat the soft tissues in a minimally invasive and gentle way. Benefits include: faster healing with less discomfort, less need for anesthesia, treatment of gum disease and pocket reduction, biopsies, and the recountouring and shaping of tissues for cosmetic enhancement. Soft tissue lesions such as aphthous ulcers can also be treated with lasers.

Scarborough Dental, 1129 Markham Road, Scarborough, Ontario M1H 2Y5